Membership at NCAPA
Join Us!
Membership is open to anyone interested in activity service in long-term healthcare facilities, adult day care programs, senior centers, and retirement housing. The association shall not discriminate against age, race, sex, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, or national origin.

Receive all mailings from the organization pertinent to activity issues.
Access to members only areas of the NCAPA website.
Participation in the organization by exercising voting privileges of membership.
Reduced rates for conferences and educational sessions.
Peer Support and ideas interchange.
Continuing education programs.*
Types of Membership
Presently employed in activities in a long-term care facility, adult day care program, senior center, or retirement housing.
Presently employed only as a full-time activity consultant to long-term care facilities, adult day care programs, senior centers, or retirement housing.
An activity professional who is unemployed but who has maintained a minimum of 10 (ten) hours of related continuing education within the last year and has submitted the necessary documentation to prove this.
Awarded voting and all membership privilege.